Why should I still use HIPE to analyse Herschel data and how can I do it?
Posted by Mark Kidger, Last modified by Mark Kidger on 26 July 2018 03:22 PM

Even though most Herschel data is now processed to the highest degree that is possible with the automatic processing pipeline and the results cannot be improved significantly, there are still datasets for which human intervention, particularly in post-processing, can improve the result. Many videotutorials are directed at users of Herschel data that benefit from the additional analysis and post-processing that HIPE can offer.

You can find a full list of videotutorials, sorted by instrument, at this URL:

If you wish to learn about HIPE and how to install it on your computer, you should check this videotutorial on how to  install HIPE and how to import and to inspect data products:
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